Global Foundation of People and Education

Global Foundation of People and Education

What is wrong with democracy?

2018. január 29. - gfp

This is not the right question. Democracy is good and it is working. The problem is that there is no real democracy. In real democracy people should be equal, having equal rights and equal opportunities in life. However this is not the case even in the most democratic countries. The world is changing, and this change is getting faster but the people and the society are not changing and not growing with the technology. Most people cannot make responsible decisions, cannot overcome their short term interests. Representative democracy is based on the interest of people. The politicians have to represent their electors and do what they think they have to do in order to protect their interest, even if it does not serve the community.

Nothing is wrong with democracy. The political system, the way the leaders are elected, and the management model used both in the government and in the economy are wrong. Nowadays we use a strictly hierarchical management structure. Leaders are elected and these leaders get power over the people they have to represent. People respect the leaders, follow their instructions, and try to behave according to their expectations, because they depend on them. They will get more money, better jobs, promotions, if their bosses are satisfied with them.

Nevertheless employees in the governments or in high-tech companies are highly educated. They do not need detailed instructions, they know what their tasks are and they are capable of doing them on their own.

The hierarchy in an organization is used for selecting the leaders and decision makers and also used for rewarding people. These are antagonistic goals. Everyone in the hierarchy wants to get better position, and the promotions depend on the managers. For being successful in this hierarchical system someone has to develop his carrier instead of doing his job. Visibility, good communication, loyalty are more important than quality. The result is that we cannot find the right people for the given position, and the leaders of the organization cannot make the right decisions. Making decisions and leading people require different skills.

This is even worse in the government. Political leaders are elected, they get power without any control, and one can only hope they will represent our interests, they will lead us properly, and will make right decisions. Maybe this model worked many years ago in relatively small groups of people, in a simpler world, but not today, when the world is so complicated, changing and growing at an enormous pace. This outdated political system bears the following controversies:

  • One person (the president or the members of parliament), even the cleverest people of the world, cannot have expertise in all fields, consequently unable to make right decisions in every arising situation.

  • The elected leaders cannot represent their electors, because the electors’ interests are different. It is impossible to make proper decisions, if we try to follow the interest of people.

  • The electors do not have experience in finding leaders; they do not even have proper information about the candidates and the political parties. They only know what they present in the media.

  • In most professions candidates have to officially prove that they have all the necessary skills and education required for a given position. Except politicians. There is no selection process, no any educational or other requirements for them. This way literally anyone can become the member of the parliament.

What is the result? The real leaders realize that they will fail in the government and build a career in the business instead. Those become political leaders, who are not interested in doing anything valuable, are ready to manipulate the people for their personal goals by making popular promises, and capable of almost anything for gaining and keeping the power. In democratic countries, the system of brakes and counterweights are slow and bureaucratic, cannot make decisions quickly and cannot create the consensus for solving challenging problems.

The world need a new management model for avoiding these problems:

  • It should have no or very small hierarchy, and should avoid using the hierarchy for motivation.

  • It has to divide the management tasks. Different people have to make decisions in different fields.

  • The leaders or decision-makers have to be carefully chosen or recruited using the latest scientific HR methods. It is crucial to find the best candidate for every position.

  • People need freedom, responsibility and the proper working environment for using their creativity.

  • The organization has to continuously monitor, evaluate, educate and qualify people. A new evaluation and motivation system has to be invented for replacing the current motivation system: promotion in the hierarchy.

There is no need to invent anything new. The solutions for these questions are all around. We just have to notice and adopt them. This new management system is able to improve the governance system as well, if we recognize that:

  • Democracy is guaranteed not by the election system and the parliament, but the well constructed laws, the independent court and police, the free press: the system of brakes and counterweights.

  • Teams of experts can make proper decisions, and even if there is hierarchy, the managers do not make decisions alone. They form different committees where they can discuss the pros and cons.

  • It depends on the people, depends on us, if a decision or the job is done properly. People have to learn and have to change the society for being able to live in a democratic system.

There is a solution, the Team Management, which can avoid the above mentioned problems. It makes the people and the education the most important, dynamic teams of experts make the decisions instead of managers, and HR experts select the leaders, instead of being elected by incompetent people. It is already used in business, but would be even more valuable in government.


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